emma maries world

I was diagnosed with endometriosis.. my story, surgery, symptoms

the perfect fall day ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŽƒ pumpkin patch, autumn reading, coffee shop

DAYS IN MY LIFE IN NEW JERSEY: wedding, apple picking, exploring Princeton + more

SAVING A HALF WASTED DAY VLOG: working out, grocery shopping, deep cleaning

NEW YORK VLOG: exploring nyc, good food, perfect fall day..

SPEND THE DAY WITH ME: packing, morning walk, boo basket + more

Grocery shopping + haul as a 20 yr still living at home

pack + organize my room with me | we are moving

waking up at 6:30 am.. Realistic VLOG: Sunrise, scrapbook shopping, + more

having a bad day is okay

what I eat in a day (realistic +kinda healthy meals)

just an average day in my life | surprise date, morning walk, making food..

48 hrs in my life VLOG: thrifting, sister's bday present, market, sunset swimming + more

thrift with me for *pinterest* inspired fall outfits + haul

Life updates chit chat: plans, surgery, relationships, & more

DISNEY WORLD VLOG: Hollywood studios + Animal Kingdom

trying my subscribers FAV FALL drinks from Dunkin..

most chaotic 72 hrs of my life VLOG.. 2 canceled flights later

PRODUCTIVE DAY IN MY LIFE VLOG: packing for a trip, deep cleaning, errands, doctor app.. @more

72 hours in my life VLOG: bday celebration, working, bookstore, hurricane shopping + more

random days in my life.. NJ vlog, beach day, thrifting, coffee + more

SUMMER CLOSET CLEANOUT 2024 *organizing my entire closet*

getting my life together VLOG: Deep cleaning my room, car wash, organizing

*cozy* bookstore vlog ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿงธ book shopping + oct TBR list